Projects Inspired by Age of Empires

I was so impressed with the quality of the graphics in Age of Empires II - Age of Kings, (developed by Ensemble Studios and distributed by Microsoft) that I was inspired to build my own versions of some of the buildings. I have added descriptions from my own imagination and not based on the game.

Stable Thumbnail


Knights depend on their chargers and every castle has facilities devoted to the care of horses. The building is also used for repairing and storing saddles, harness, and other gear.

Blacksmith Thumbnail


The blacksmith not only makes weapons and armor, he also makes and repairs all the metal used by everyone in the castle and the village.

Archery Range Thumbnail

Archery Range

Citizens are expected to assist in the defense of the castle and the archery range is place where they can sharpen their skills and practice with the regular soldiers.

Barracks Thumbnail


This building is the headquarters for a small garrison of foot soldiers. Their job is to act as a local police force, protecting villagers from outlaws, as well as to help defend the kingdom from invaders.

Market Thumbnail


The market is a place where local farmers and craftsmen and women can sell their products. It also serves as a place where traveling peddlars and merchants can display their wares.

Index - Buildings